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Salvo Micciché boosted

Did you hear? Today, Flipboard federated 250 publishers, bringing more quality content to the fediverse! Here are some must-follow accounts for the latest in business and finance news and trends. 💰 📈

Business by BBC News, @business-BBCNews

Business by The Washington Post, @business-WashPost

Business by Wall Street Journal, @business-WSJ

Business Day by The New York Times, @business-day-newyorktimes

CFO by Morning Brew, @cfo-brew-MorningBrew

Economy by Business Insider, @economy-BusinessInsider

Economy by Wall Street Journal, @economy-WSJ

Everyday Money by Money, @everyday-money-money

Finance by Fortune, @finance-fortune

Investing by Forbes, @investing-forbes

Investing by The Street, @investing-TheStreet

Markets by Barron's, @markets-Barrons

Mortgages by The Motley Fool, mortgages-@TheMotleyFool

Personal Finance by Fortune, @personal-finance-fortune

YFinance by Yahoo Finance, @yfinance-YahooFinance

#business #finance #news #NewHere


I have an app using SwiftData and I use the new traits previewModifier to display mock data. Works great.
How would I do this in a Widget as there is not traits available for the Widget preview. I have the widget working, but I would like to be able to design with mock data

Flipboard Culture Desk boosted

Two museums in Paris, Musée Guimet and Musée du quai Branly, are under fire for renaming Tibetan exhibits as Chinese or from the "Himalayan world." An estimated 800 demonstrators protested outside the museums at the weekend and Tibetan cultural advocacy groups based in France requested formal meetings to discuss the rationale behind the terminology changes. Here's more from @ArtNews.

#Art #Paris #Museums #Galleries #Tibet #China #Activism