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"This is one of the most transparent battles between good and evil of our time," Zelensky told the crowd at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah, saying Russia's strikes have been "unprovoked" and demonstrate "unjust aggression."

"The only thing we ask for is sufficient support: Air defense systems for our cities, weapons for our men and women on the front line, support in protecting normal life and rebuilding."

Zelensky received a standing ovation for his remarks.

KB Leecaster boosted

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ There is nothing unusual about Zelensky's visit to the plant in Pennsylvania, - Karin Jean-Pierre

πŸ‘€ "Just two months ago, President Zelensky visited Utah and held a very similar event with the Republican governor, and there was no demand for an investigation," she added.
