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Salvo Micciché boosted

We know why journalists leave the profession — exhausting stories, long hours, hostile audiences and unstable employment. For @niemanlab, Gregory P. Perrault reports on why they stay. Reasons include the joy of connection with audiences and peers, the opportunity to learn for a living, and the stories that linger, years after their publication.

#Media #Journalism #Newspapers #Research #MediaIndustry

Salvo Micciché boosted

Good morning. ⛅🌥️🌦️

25 September 2024

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me" - Buck Owens and Roy Clark

You probably recognize the classic lyrics from the show "Hee Haw." Until today, I thought the key lyrics were "Blues, despair, and agony ..." Don't worry, I'm not feeling gloomy, the song just popped into my head this morning. If this creates an ear worm for you today, sorry. It's one of those comical songs that stayed with me over the years, another is "Flowers on the Wall" by the Statler Brothers. Hmmm ... I'll save that for another morning.

“Hums aren’t things which you get; they get you.” - Winnie the Pooh

#photo #photos #photography #photographer #photographylovers #morning #music #earworm #sunset #lake


Salvo Micciché boosted

In the middle of a run of movies including "M*A*S*H," "Kelly's Heroes" and "Don't Look Now," Donald Sutherland went to British Columbia and made two films. In "Bear Island" and "A Man, a Woman and a Bank," the New Brunswick-born actor, who died earlier this year, took on traditional leading roles instead of the offbeat parts he was known for. “It’s not so much that I’m trying to change my image, it’s more like a painter changing his style,” he told The New York Times. “I would like to be ordinary for a while." He went on to make and produce several movies in his home country. For @MONTECRISTO_mag, Sam Wiebe looks at Sutherland's career in Canada, and how his work helped establish Hollywood North.

#Movies #Film #Cinema #Entertainment #HollywoodNorth #Canada #DonaldSutherland

KB Leecaster boosted

There is nothing that Donald Trump’s party won’t do to destroy, dismantle, and discredit the greatest democratic republic the world has ever known. All in service to their despised Orange God.

Be shocked by the words if you must, but Residential Schools are our Canadian Holocaust. It was genocide. Therefore, I am absolutely in favour of Leah Gazan's private member's bill to criminalize denialism of that reality.

This is what Germany does about Nazism. And it is correct.

#TruthAndReconciliation #Canada #CanPoli #OrangeShirtDay #EveryChildMatters #Indigenous #FirstNations #ResidentialSchools