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KB Leecaster boosted

israel sends texts/calls to civilians to evacuate southern lebanon and move away from hezbollah positions as bombings intensify

so far israel has evacuated ~ 60,000 from the north
and ~100,000 displaced in lebanon (via iom)


KB Leecaster boosted

Khan is the peoples' hero, if Harris wins, she'll likely re-elect her, but Rs, esp. Musk, demand she be fired.

Mergers: Even if those efficiencies arise -the co's not checked by competition it won't have an incentive to pass those benefits on to the consumer bc -may not have anywhere else to go.

FTC's mission: breaking illegal monopolies, blocking mergers that stifle competition, & protecting consumers from a system Khan says is rigged against them.
#Antitrust #USPol

KB Leecaster boosted

Geismar, LA, 09/15/2024
"The LDEQ was notified on September 16, 2024, of a stuck shutter on a nuclear gauge. While the licensee was trying to isolate the T220B tower for maintenance on September 15, 2024, the shutter handle on an Ohmart Vega SHS1 nuclear gauge with a 50 mCi Cs-137 source broke leaving the shutter in the open position. The licensee's gauge vendor was contacted and on September 16, 2024, the nuclear gauge was removed and put into…

KB Leecaster boosted

1/ A high-ranking officer of the Russian aerospace forces (VKS) is reported to have died by suicide in the Moscow region. He is said to have despaired of the bad working conditions and "criminal orders of the commanders" in the VKS Communications Centre. ⬇️


KB Leecaster boosted

I know a lot of climbers and Hick is certainly representing that group of people.

But, it sure seems like fixed climbing anchors are a perfect example of "permanent installations,” exactly what's banned in wilderness.

Why should climbers be exempt? Because they're my friends and have fun climbing?

Explain to me why it's wrong to ban permanent installations in wilderness or why climbing is special.

#Colorado #wilderness #climbing