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Salvo Micciché boosted

When software company Salesforce hired comedian John Mulaney to do some standup at their Dreamforce event last week, they may have got more than they bargained for. The corporate gig turned into something of a roast, with Mulaney telling the crowd: “If AI is truly smarter than us and tells us that [humans] should die, then I think we should die,” looking out to the crowd from center stage. “So many of you feel imminently replaceable.” He concluded the 45-minute no-mercy set by thanking attendees “for the world you’re creating for my son … where he will never talk to an actual human again." Here, more highlights, courtesy of the San Francisco Standard.

#Tech #Technology #Comedy #Salesforce #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #SanFrancisco #JohnMulaney