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Toxy 🔬🇪🇺🇸🇪🇬🇧🇺🇦 boosted

An Italian organisation that sends anonymous inspectors to pizzerias around the world has said a restaurant in Chiswick makes the world’s 5th best pizza. Napoli on the Road was rewarded for its “melt-in-your-mouth texture and very high digestibility”. According to the confusingly named 50 Top Pizza, 50 Kalò near Trafalgar Square has the world’s 23rd best, while Stile Napoletano in Chester took 94th place. Top spot went to a restaurant on Manhattan’s Lower East Side called Una Pizza Napoletana.

Jack Yan (甄爵恩) boosted

Today's fun discovery about Gmail is that, while you can receive attachments up to 50 MB, you can only send up to 25 MB, and it's the latter limit that is being applied when using the API to migrate messages.

Which means that you can receive messages you can no longer restore from backup at a later date.

Great job, Google!