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KB Leecaster boosted

Many insurers have stopped covering fossil fuel projects.

State Farm and Berkshire Hathaway’s insurance companies on the other hand have supported so many fossil fuel projects that it helped offset a decline in the rest of the industry, according to an analysis by The Wall Street Journal of data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, a group of state regulators.

@stu I'm curious as well, but very disappointed in Mozilla for numerous reasons. Sad to see them pull out of the Fediverse and shutdown their instance. That's a huge hit in a lot of ways and something that made me lose quite a bit of respect I had for them.


godfree2 boosted

The feds are bailing out privately held NS Power with $500M because NS Power spent all their money on executive compensation.

What do you want to bet that's where this money goes as well?

Executives are a collapsed singularity of money. There's no amount too much for them. Like a literal cancer they suck all the oxygen out of the the body, all the energy, and contribute ... what was it they did worth so much again?

Anyway if they were asking me, let the place go tits up and buy it back cheap.