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KB Leecaster boosted

Congratulations on your victory, Anura Kumara Dissanayake.

The people of Sri Lanka chose you as their president in a free, fair, and peaceful election of which they are justifiably proud.

I look forward to working with you to advance peace, security, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific.

@RL_Dane Aww, that's awesome!

I have a female cat, which I'm sure you've seen me post pictures of, Bess, who is 16 years old so I feel her time is coming soon'ish.

She once used to weigh about 22 1/2 pounds. Over the last couple of years she's lost a lot of weight due to age and is down to about 8 1/2 pounds.

She's a different kitty now in the fact that she is actual pretty mobile and gets up on lower things that she never could before.

It's going to be tough when she's gone.