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KB Leecaster boosted

uk pm starmer at the united nations:
russia behind “the greatest violation of the [un] charter in a generaton”

he wonders “how russia can show its face in this building.”

This investigation spanned 9 years.

Adams changed the password on his phone right before he handed it over to investigators and told them he didn't know it in order to delay judgement day.

It took over a year for the FBI to get into Enrique Tarrio's phone related to #J6

J6 investigators were never able to get into Rudy Giuliani's phone even though they got ahold of it on like the 22nd of January, 2021.

Garland bashers don't have a f'cking clue what investigations entail.

KB Leecaster boosted

Harry Litman: "The New York appeals court hearing Trump's appeal from the now $478M (w/ interest) judgment in case brought by NY AG asks several tough questions of AG's office focusing on Trump's central argument that banks weren't harmed by his false valuations."