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KB Leecaster boosted

In fact, murder in Springfield is *down* this year through July, with just 2 murders compared to 5 at the same point last year. There's no indication that last year's 9 is anything other than the usual inexplicable fluctuation that had one Trump year at 13 and the next at 3.

KB Leecaster boosted

ukraine natl cyber security coordination center tells govt/army officials: no more telegram
says russia could likely access private messages and personal data on the app

“it is an issue of national security”


KB Leecaster boosted

Trump complained that he only received 24% of the Jewish vote.

You hang out with a bunch of Nazis, you tell Jewish people they 'need to get their heads examined,' and Jewish people don't want to vote for you.

Funny how that works.

KB Leecaster boosted

Laurence Broers: "Poorly informed remarks by (UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs) David Lammy replicate a totally 1-sided view of #Azerbaijan’s actions last year. Azerbaijan indeed recovered territory but also enacted a sustained campaign aimed at cleansing the territory of its ethnic Armenian population - and succeeded." When it comes to oil, BP not the government sets the tone I suspect. #climatecrisis #humanrights