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I have decided that the epic fantasy book I had been writing was a bit more than I could chew off right now. So, I'm going to write the urban fantasy book idea I had instead. It should be much easier to write. I have a much better feel for that world already.

I do plan to go back to write the big epic fantasy story I am putting aside. It's just right now, I will make more progress on my urban fantasy idea.

@GhostOnTheHalfShell @economics-that-works @dlakelan @FantasticalEconomics on food, GDP is neat because included depreciation offsets production, and you can calculate how long it takes to turn over the asset base...not long .. only about 6y. Asset base is burnt down and rebuilt in 6y.

So sure, GDP measures producing some 75y bridges, but it's measuring a lot of 7d bananas and lettuce too.

And it's all market accounting too, so it's swerving all over like fashion.