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KB Leecaster boosted

via @kamalahq - In a shocking leak, Donald Trump told the leaders of Project 2025 that his most exciting work with them lies ahead. Donald Trump is openly admitting he will implement Project 2025.

“We have shown the power of our winning formula working closely with many of the great people at Heritage… We've worked with you a lot.”

On last two days NPR, U.S. national public radio, has run a segment highlighting an IPSOS survey of American attitudes towards EVs in which they highlight that while trust in the science about them being better for the environment is still above 72% it has decreased over the last two years.

Salvo Micciché boosted

@mohu I love your posts. I really enjoy reading. I have managed to get your content flowing into my @flipboard magazines and to Mastodon to share with my Fediverse friends. But wouldn’t it be better if you had your own account so all those readers can hear it from the horse’s mouth? Definitely coming from you it sounds so much better. All the best.