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KB Leecaster boosted

Media outlets like The Telegraph that are openly propaganda outlets for the fossil fuel industry call decarbonization efforts like getting people to switch to #HeatPumps a "boiler tax".

Their techniques are just so blatantly obvious that what makes me the most sad is that they are able to get away with it without much public or especially media pushback.


KB Leecaster boosted

Oh my, I just saw that Mike Lindell, the insurrectionist MyPillowGuy, yesterday started as sale on his pillows to the "special" price of $14.88.

This is as close to no longer being a dog whistle that seems possible short of the savings code being "Hitler was right".

This election is crystal clear if you're paying attention. Sadly, about 40% of Americans are not paying attention and will never learn about this crap so it's not a true referendum on the soul of our nation, but it's close as hell.

KB Leecaster boosted

@Jam123 @MJ
I think it is crystal clear why Sean O'Brien is not willing to endorse Kamala Harris.

Thirteen former black and Hispanic employees filed a lawsuit against the union and its president, Sean O’Brien, alleging racial discrimination over their firings after O’Brien took office in March 2022.

Teamsters settled for 3 million dollars, but when the rot is at the top and it is still there this is what happens.

@Chigaze anything that I find revolutionary or particularly interesting, I try it out at home. To varying degrees.

Years later, when my clients catch up, I'm at least semi-prepared and can take a crack at it. This compares favourably to the risks and delays of finding a new hire to take it on.

Linux is probably the best successful example. But also a lot of devops stuff too.