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KB Leecaster boosted

12. Finally, let's talk equities markets. The US has the deepest and most trusted capital markets in the world, thanks to our rules and SEC-led disclosure regimes that block insider trading, front running and the ability to hide liabilities. P2025 weakens almost all of that.

KB Leecaster boosted

11. The US economy is also exposed to world markets (duh!) and since WWII we ensured int'l orgs provided liquidity and oversight to the global banking system. The Bretton Woods framework is widely credited with contributing to global stability since. P2025 would abolish it.


KB Leecaster boosted

9. They also make bank failures more likely by eliminating the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) which was created after the 2008 crisis to monitor banks and other systemically-important financial institutions that are accumulating too much risk.
