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As ever though, everyone needs to focus on stopping to burn fossil fuels as fast as they each possibly can first and foremost.

If they ever do build or retrofit a fossil fueled power plant that is capturing and sequestering their emissions than great, but I still don't think they'll do it long since PV, wind and batteries will beat them in operating costs every time and require no fuel so they won't operate for long anyways.

The field of major candidates is set in Mid Island-Pacific Rim for #BCElection2024!

The #BCGreens announced their candidate will be Environmental Advocate and Educator Ross Reid.

The former #BCUnited candidate Joshua Dahling announced on Friday that he will not run as independant and is withdrawing.

The #BCNDP Josie Osborne is seeking re-election.

The #BCCP is presenting former Hockey Coach Joshua Dahling.
#bcPoli #bcelection