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Received a Google alert suggesting Google is indexing's content from 2022. #mastodon #copyright @hachyderm

It's not a revelation, I just thought it was interesting. I'm not sure of hachyderm's indexing policy, or why my account privacy settings wrt search engine indexing were in 2022.

Scoping the acceptable use of your public content to exclude commercial use, search engines and LLM trainers, as you interact with users on other fediverse servers is not simple.

Salvo Micciché boosted

In recent weeks, salacious extracts from a self-published book purporting to be from the late Kim Porter, former partner of Sean Combs, have been circulating online. Porter's children have now released a joint statement on Instagram completely disowning the book and saying: "Claims that our mom wrote a book are simply untrue. She did not, and anyone claiming to have a manuscript is misrepresenting themselves." Here's more from @RollingStone. Story may be paywalled.

#Books @bookstodon #SeanCombs #KimPorter #Entertainment #Celebrity