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KB Leecaster boosted

@GreenFire @quote @janrosenow Let's say that it's tending toward 1% per year. A 10 year old, 150,000 km combustion engine is probably on its last legs unless you've taken very good care of it and not done so many short journeys and changed the oil twice as often as recommended by the manufacturer. Whereas an EV with a 90% battery is still going to be perfect - unless it's rusted out.

KB Leecaster boosted

I just came from the neurologist. I officially have epilepsy. Apparently, I have been having having mini-seizures for many years, recently had an undetected stroke, and then that triggered the series of full-blown seizures.
So I have to recover, THEN figure out how to live a new life as person with epilepsy.

KB Leecaster boosted

Election officials keep an eye out as voting begins in the 2024 general election

Some people are already voting in this year’s election, and some people are already planning to challenge the vote. We’ll hear how election officials are trying to secure their work. #press