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The CASE 580EV backhoe could be a game-changer. For one, even though the tech is groundbreaking, there won't be much of a learning curve for operators already familiar with the diesel-powered internal combustion models of CASE backhoes. The 580EV operates in much the same way as gas-powered models and has comparable performance.

Besides being less expensive to operate and maintain, the advantages of a clean, quiet, electric backhoe loader are obvious too.

Have dueling iPhone deliveries today. One UPS and one FedEx. One for Mother in Law and myself.

FedEx drove by earlier. It was the closest on the way to businesses but now has driven farther away.

UPS started later but is actually the closest right now.

And as I post this UPS is here lol. UPS won the race!

Salvo Micciché boosted

Today, I painted a lonely Kanas country road. It’s a road just west of Lawrence, Kansas, on the way to Clinton Lake. It is based on a tutorial by Allan Kirk, “Across the Moor,” about impressionist watercolor. Start with wells of cobalt blue, alizarin, raw sienna, burnt sienna and sap green then apply them loosely to a wet sheet of paper. When dry, use an 8 or 6 round to apply the paint again in dabs, without brushing. #watercolor #watercolour #art #MastoArt #landscapepainting
