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KB Leecaster boosted

It's normal to sit up and take notice when someone you hardly know and who is in a position of authority baselessly accuses you of doing something dishonest or unethical, because it's hard to shake the notion that the bad thing you're being accused of is something they are already well acquainted with.

Early in my solo career, I spent a lot of time talking to businessmen in Russia, who invariably would at some point accuse me of taking bribes to write unflattering things about them or their businesses. I soon learned that those individuals were accustomed to paying journalists in their country to write unflattering stories about others.

This reminds me of behavior in various state and federal GOP efforts to "secure" the vote, which has led to a flood of state proposals that effectively make it harder for people to vote, register, or have their vote count. "We can't let them steal this election again" is the refrain, even though it was never stolen in the first place. But it might very well be this time.

Salvo Micciché boosted

@salvomic I don't have "meta manager" plugin (possible conflicts?) but I do have Open Graph by Will Norris with
OpenGraph enabled in ActivityPub plugin settings. Keep it in mind, this is intended used for Mastodon's Author attribution feature, which you would need to add the blog domain there if your instance supports it.

KB Leecaster boosted

via @acynig

Kamala Harris: Trump and his running mate.. they'll talk about “I do believe in the exception to save the mother's life”

Let's break that down. So we’re going to create public policy that says that a doctor will only give the care that somebody needs if they're about to die?

John Harris boosted

Today on #lorelore I’m introducing a metaphor I use to talk bout mental health: wasabi emotions vs habanero emotions.

As any fan of culinary pain can tell you, wasabi can be very painful but the pain subsides quickly. On the other hand, habaneros have a heat can take much, much longer to pass.

By analogy, wasabi emotions can be very powerful, but they’re fleeting, while habanero emotions linger long after the inciting event has passed. This applies to both good and bad feelings.

More soon…