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KB Leecaster boosted

If you like to write letters to help get out the vote for Democrats, Vote Forward, an organization I’ve worked with for a few years, has just added letter writing campaigns in additional congressional districts.

These districts are CT-05, IN-01, KS-03, OR-06, TX-15, and VA-07. In these competitive U.S. House districts, these letters could help drive turnout in close races, where the Democratic candidate needs our help to gain or keep their seat. Sign up:

Vote Forward:

KB Leecaster boosted

The Ohio Supreme Court, which currently has 4 Republicans and 3 Democrats, has the job of deciding how to implement the Reproductive Rights Amendment that citizens of Ohio recently passed.

In order to change the balance of the court, all 3 Democrats running this year need to win. We can sign up for a phonebank tonight and every Thursday at 5pm to help turn out voters for these Dem judicial candidates and for Senator Sherrod Brown. #Ohio #GOTV

Meeting Registration - Zoom

KB Leecaster boosted

Pennsylvania is a key state for Harris to win, so the more Democratic voters the state has, the better. It’s time to boost turnout and help Kamala Harris win.

Field Team 6 has several ways we can help, either virtually from our own homes or on the ground in Pennsylvania neighborhoods.

This link is for Philadelphia, but if you scroll down, you can see Pittsburgh and the virtual link. #HarrisWalz2024

Philadelphia - Register PA Democrats to save the world! · Field Team 6:

KB Leecaster boosted

@TonyStark I know not to trust polls, but I read in a national newspaper that shall not be named that polls show that Pennsylvanians are extremely motivated to vote this year. I don’t think the article broke down the political affiliation of those motivated voters, but I only socialize with Democrats and I know how much everyone wants to vote for Harris.