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KB Leecaster boosted

And if it's Saturday

It is Mamalamath day! We are looking at the numbers including Trumpomath

This is a BIG day with a lot that I have for you, including now the measured ceiling for Trump, and my FIRST LOOK at the Electoral College

You don't want to miss today

Signed "Numbers are my buddies."


Salvo Micciché boosted

Indipendenza ta Malta (Sep. 21, 1964)

«Il Poplu malti jifraħ bir-rebħa ta l-Indipendenza ta dawn il Gżejjer il-Jum 21 ta Settembru 1964»

Jum l-Independence, Independence Day, is a national holiday for Malta, Republic since 1964. 

The celebration takes place on September 21 and to commemorate the independence of the Maltese nation from the United Kingdom, which took place in 1964. 

The Maltese politician George Borġ Olivier was the father of Independence. With him and the enlightened politicians of the time, Malta […]
