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KB Leecaster boosted

Xi’s ‘gunboat diplomacy’ risks driving his bullied neighbours into enemy hands | Simon Tisdall

Chinese aggression in the South China Sea forcing countries such as Japan to increase defences and talk up an ‘Asian Nato’Whoever declared that in this world “nothing is certain except death and taxes” plainly led a sheltered life. Some authorities say... #press


I hope y'all will take the opportunity to watch Rachel Maddow's first documentary movie about Lev Parnas.

I hope that it convinces you that we should have spoken out against the witch hunt perpetuated against Joe Biden's last surviving son more vociferously too.

For the absolute best reporting on the Hunter Biden saga, I recommend @emptywheel

Johnydon :TheCDN3: he/him boosted

Sometimes, people make fun of guys for doing stuff like this, but I think it's way more cool to do something you are passionate about, that is actually constructive, than buying guns for a self-created Apocalypse and harassing women online, because they won't have sex with them.

Nerds rule!

@FrankFrank @Nazani @w7voa
Yes, it is true that organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas will get new leadership as the ones now in charge are forcibly removed from power, but odds are that the new ones will be even less competent the ones they'll replace since the retirement plan is becoming even less appealing to people capable of objectively evaluating the landscape.