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Johnydon :TheCDN3: he/him boosted

SCOTUS killed Roe v. Wade in the summer of 2022 and thought our anger wouldn’t last for 2 years until the presidential election. We would forget about it, get over it. — Well, the judges completely forgot that the nature of our bodies reminds us every 4 weeks.

John Harris boosted

finally figured out why @mozilla's rejection of the #fediverse is bothering me so much: i had no idea was open to the public. i thought it was only for their employees.

so am even angrier because this "experiment" was bullshit.

if i, one of the most eager early adopters of tech on the planet didn't get that was open to everyone, then it's their fault millions didn't flock to the platform.

Cliff Wade boosted

What is your favorite and/or most recommended News Widget for iPhone/iOS?

I'm looking for something that provides daily news from around the world and that's possibly scrollable within the widget itself.

Something similar to Google Discover on Android would be great, but with good content.

Providing a link to it in the Apple Store would be greatly appreciated!

#iOS #Apple #iPhone #News #Widget #NewsFeed #Feed #Tech #AllThingsTech


KB Leecaster boosted

@DavidM_yeg I get the feeling that PP isn’t talking to us. He doesn’t want to convince us that he’d be a good prime minister. He’s just trying to stoke anger in enough voters to get elected. But if he’s anything like Danielle smith, he will lose interest in governing and fall back to stoking anger. It’s toxic.