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@FrankFrank @Nazani @w7voa
Yes, it is true that organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas will get new leadership as the ones now in charge are forcibly removed from power, but odds are that the new ones will be even less competent the ones they'll replace since the retirement plan is becoming even less appealing to people capable of objectively evaluating the landscape.

KB Leecaster boosted

@Nazani @w7voa

True, however the populous isn't in support of it now, more than 80% reject the Islamic Republic and prefer a democratic government.

In 1979, after discontent with Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's authoritarian rule, which aligned Iran with the Western Bloc and cultivated a close relationship with the US, there was more support of Ruhollah Khomeini, in which 98% approved the shift to an Islamic republic.