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KB Leecaster boosted

Fun fact: US inflation started to grow in April 2020, peaked in June 2022, and has fallen since.

The president in April 2020 was Donald Trump.

The 2021 Federal Budget was submitted by Donald Trump, It ran through September 30, 2021.

The 2022 budget was submitted by Joe Biden and ran from October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022--the year inflation reversed.

Biden stopped Trump's inflation. #VoteBlue

Chris Alemany 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 🌱 boosted

@Amgine @chris

The Tyee does good work. And Chek news is the "big" local news network.

I mostly just stuff I found in old wikipedia election data.

Google your candidates work history and the published party platform. Dont rely on manicured election soundbites by themselves.

And after the votes are tallied and you know who your mla is, indulge your inner "cranky old person" and send them lengthy emails at 5am on a sunday. I did. Got decent answers too.

KB Leecaster boosted

@GreenFire @MAKS23 of course there are risks with migrants, just look at DAESH who managed to sneak in people into Europe under the pretexts that they were migrants.

Before AFU would accept any migrants into the ranks, I think they would do at least a similar check as they do when people come as volunteers from the "west".

Sure not many would pick to go to a country in war, it's not a real step up from poverty and terrorism or authoritarian rule with a sprinkle of war.