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Salvo Micciché boosted

La #sécheresse a durement impacté la récolte des #olives en Tunisie, et leur prix a explosé. Les #cultivateurs s’adaptent à ces conditions #climatiques extrêmes en adoptant de nouvelles #techniques d’irrigation ainsi que des méthodes d’agriculture #biologiques.

#agriculture #climat #olive #tunisie #tunisia #tv #dw

Toxy 🔬🇪🇺🇸🇪🇬🇧🇺🇦 boosted

We named our cat Ginger, because it's the name our toddler insisted on him having and wouldn't take no for an answer. For a quiet life, we just went with it. Our cat is black. It confuses people, the vet included.

Les Doiron is my neighbour, and I know Judith Sayers and Wawmeesh Ken Watts well. It breaks my heart what is happening to their families here in #PortAlberni. I cannot imagine the weight they endure being leaders faced with the task of trying to find solutions.

The drug and mental health crisis is bad enough to be an emergency in the wider community but it is absolutely tearing Indigenous families apart.

We need solutions. All of them.
#BCPoli #FirstNations #BC #CanPoli