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KB Leecaster boosted

The debate about the ultra-rich & NonDoms' reactions to tax rises is always shaped by what their advisors (and confidants) say they will do when they are confronted with having to pay a bit more tax.

But, what we seldom, if ever see is the data on how many actually have moved after a tax change.

So here's a report from a previous change to the tax regime for NonDoms that found very little actual relocation; in the end they'd prefer to pay the taxes (quietly) than move!

@aho @benroyce
I despise slavery too much to say much positive about the Viking culture.

The Swedish slave trade mainly occurred in the early history of Sweden when the trade of thralls was one of the pillars of the Norse economy. During the raids, the Vikings often captured and enslaved militarily weaker peoples they encountered, but took the most slaves in raids of the British Isles, and Slavs in Eastern Europe. This slave trade lasted from the 8th through the 11th centuries.

KB Leecaster boosted

Roberto has been working in Salinas area fields for 13 years. He is currently weeding and thinning lettuce. He shares, "This work is hard on my body. I get very tired from walking and hoeing the crop 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. But the work feeds my family." #WeFeedYou


@aho @benroyce
I do not associate Vikings with sanity knowing what I know about their slavery and crimes against humanity personally, but I'm saying that they were all that much worse than any other culture.

I sometimes do wish that they had of succeeded in avoiding adopting Christianity though because I appreciate how they viewed homo sapiens as pretty much the same as any other species.