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so, my local fox station on their website said we'd have to watch the cowboys game. just tuned in to fox and they're playing the lions. i missed the entire first quarter because i thought they were playing the cowboys. fuck you fox for lying to me.

This is how I feel waiting for my fellow humans to accept that they have a responsibility to stop emitting greenhouse gases and to do whatever they can to try helping to clean up the carbon pollution our species has already emitted into our thin, precious atmosphere.


John Harris boosted

Texas has purged about 500K eligible voters

Oklahoma has purged about 193K eligible voters

Nebraska potentially changing its Electoral count to winner take all so they all go Red

Georgia is requiring 5-6M votes be counted by hand

Red states have closed more than 100,000 polling locations in Black/Latino neighborhoods

This is how Republicans are working to steal the 2024 election

KB Leecaster boosted

@StillIRise1963 while I am in Germany my stepson called, he just started college. He went on 3 dates with a girl, and then learned that she is a strong trump supporter and has strong anti abortion views. .. he was: oh shit, she does not get it, what do I do. She does not understand that she loses her autonomy and control over her body and life ... Proud of this 18 year old, he listened and learned. Not sure how to advise him. His instinct is to break it up .