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KB Leecaster boosted

Some of the parents were on the verge of making going to the school dances *mandatory* and student government with my help put a stop to that. Some parents are like... disappointed their teens are too isolated I guess? I can see why they feel that way.

Anyway I'm feeling vindicated because the student government came up with some ideas to make the dances more appealing: one was having a "chill lounge" a more quiet place with tea and snacks and boardgames. It was a big hit! Pass it along.

KB Leecaster boosted

People always ask me for reasons to vote and I’m here to provide them.

The Biden-Harris Inflation Reduction Act will save 200,000 lives from deadly pollution in the coming decades, as well as boost great jobs in the clean energy sector. #HarrisWalz2024 #ElectDemocrats #ClimateAcrion #CleanEnergy

Biden’s green policies will save 200,000 lives and have boosted clean energy jobs, data shows | Environment | The Guardian

KB Leecaster boosted

The debate about the ultra-rich & NonDoms' reactions to tax rises is always shaped by what their advisors (and confidants) say they will do when they are confronted with having to pay a bit more tax.

But, what we seldom, if ever see is the data on how many actually have moved after a tax change.

So here's a report from a previous change to the tax regime for NonDoms that found very little actual relocation; in the end they'd prefer to pay the taxes (quietly) than move!

@aho @benroyce
I despise slavery too much to say much positive about the Viking culture.

The Swedish slave trade mainly occurred in the early history of Sweden when the trade of thralls was one of the pillars of the Norse economy. During the raids, the Vikings often captured and enslaved militarily weaker peoples they encountered, but took the most slaves in raids of the British Isles, and Slavs in Eastern Europe. This slave trade lasted from the 8th through the 11th centuries.