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@kmetz @MAKS23
Yes, I agree with your interpretation of what the U.S. statement indicated.

I disagree with these purported supporters of Ukraine adopting the Kremlin political technology of demonizing the USA by twisting everything against them. They are causing some serious damage to international security.

KB Leecaster boosted

I came to office determined to not only deliver immediate economic relief but to transform the way our economy works over the long-term.

To write a new playbook:

One that grows the economy from the middle out and bottom up – instead of the top down.


KB Leecaster boosted

I really thought that the looney attempts to label the IDF's operation to take out terrorists by making their encrypted pagers blow up as a terrorist attack would be restricted to just the brainwashed horseshoe pilled self-identifying leftists on Mastodon, but sadly it seems to be a mass psychosis.

Anyways, this phenomena of taking the side of the terrorists is not restricted to just social media. There's a mosque in Michigan holding a celebration of a terrorist's "martyrdom".
