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This project is installing floating wind turbines too which are so crucial towards expanding offshore wind on our west coast!

US Wind’s Maryland Offshore Wind Project, as approved, could generate over 2 gigawatts of clean, renewable energy for the Delmarva Peninsula and power over 718,000 homes. Additionally, the development and construction phases of the project could support 2,680 jobs annually over seven years.

#WeCanDoThis #WeAreNotGoingBack #VoteBlue #VoteClimate

The Biden-Harris administration just announced the approval of the Maryland Offshore Wind Project – the nation’s tenth commercial-scale offshore wind energy project approved under President Biden’s leadership.

BOEM has responded to President Biden’s ambitious vision for a clean energy future with enthusiasm and collaboration. Today’s approval of US Wind’s Maryland Offshore Wind Project reflects the best available science and invaluable insights during our extensive environmental review process.

Dave Plummer boosted


OMG the number of people with advanced degrees I've encountered who don't understand marginal tax rates is wild. And it's not like it's an obvious concept... but I've had so many dudes confidently tell me that "well people don't want to work more since it would put them in a higher tax bracket so they would actually make less"

Not only is it not true. It's not even how people think if it were true.


@jimthewhyguy @GottaLaff
It's too soon to predict how the Republicans will react if they get trounced at the ballot boxes this fall, but I was glad that Cheney did not put herself forward as being able to help with a new conservative political party since she has pretty much zero political capital at this point.

It is going to be interesting to see how it pans out though.

I'm hoping that the Democrats hold the center and that a new party forms on the left leaving the GOP to the far right.