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KB Leecaster boosted

Uh, so, this is crazy. Increase in global renewables capacity last year was 14% (from 3.4 TW to 3.9 TW, per IRENA). To meet the global the global goal of tripling renewables to 11 TW by 2030. The annualized rate needs to be 16%.

@ucf @janrosenow
It took us twenty-two years to install the first terawatt of solar capacity.

We will install more than a TW in just 2024 and 2025 and hopefully a full TW of solar in just 2026.

And that's not even the big news in renewable energy's exponential growth in the 21st century. The most important growth is this massive deployment of batteries onto our electricity grids.

I think Australia is providing an example of how batteries will soon take off everywhere.

Chris Alemany 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 🌱 boosted

Someone put me on a list of bots on Bluesky. So to prove that I am indeed human, here's a picture of me holding Fishy, who is infinitely more photogenic than I will ever be.
