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Chris Alemany 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 🌱 boosted

📸 1: Half an hour before we left Buenos Aires by train, a crazy thunderstorm broke out over the city. Luckily, we were at a 'papas fritas' stall during this time...
📸 2 & 3: Twenty-two hours later, we reached Córdoba. Of course, first we had to make a coffee at 'Plaza San Martín'
📸 4: A funny, bumpy, and zigzag cycling lane out of Córdoba...
📸 5: Our first campsite in Argentina. Due to fences everywhere, it was super difficult to find a spot, and even in this vast cornfield in the middle of nowhere, some locals told us to leave because it's too dangerous. In their opinion, next to the busy highway, it would be safer 🤔
📸 6: After we cycled for a while on the very busy Ruta 5, a friendly local told us about the empty highway that wasn't yet open. This was—at least for a few kilometers—a relief for our nerves...
📸 7: Here in the desert-like Pampa, the trees have huge thorns... Fiona had her first puncture in ages... Let's hope it will be the only one!
📸 8: View of the lake/reservoir 'Embalse Los Molinos'
📸 9: Second campspot. We found this spot yesterday evening after searching for over two hours between all the fenced 'Propriedad Privada'. The sun had already set, and we had just enough twilight to pitch the tent before it was darkest night.

#cycling #bikepacking #cyclinglife #cyclingtogether #nomad #cyclingaroundtheworld #traveling #photography #naturephotography #travelphotography #SouthAmerica #BuenosAires #Cordoba

Dave Plummer boosted

Upon arrival at Auschwitz, his hands and feet were shackled with thick chains linked together. They were cut upon Gestapo orders in the camp's locksmith workshop. Karwat was immediately placed in the bunker in Block 11, where he perished on 15 October 1942.


jcrabapple :virginia_badge: boosted

Tom Cotton's defense of Trump preemptively blaming the Jews for his election loss is that he's been saying stuff like this for a long time, so what's the big deal? Good pushback from Jake Tapper here too.

KB Leecaster boosted


Yes, that's why I love this (somewhat outdated) diagram:

This disruption will catch many by surprise and hopefully floor some fossil fuel business models.

On the other hand, it is a major problem that many people are unable to understand the consequences of the exponentially increasing water capacity of our atmosphere as temperatures rise.

#climatecrisis #flooding #photovoltaics #solar #pv
