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Chris Alemany 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 🌱 boosted

For World Car-Free Day, here is one of the best essays ever written about the folly of the personal motorcar. André Gorz, "The Social Ideology of the Motorcar". The car "would oblige the owner to consume and use a host of commercial services and industrial products that could only be provided by some third party. The apparent independence of the automobile owner was only concealing the actual radical dependency."

Fascists hate the light.
“The raid on the office and seizure of our equipment is not only an attack on Al Jazeera, but an affront to press freedom and the very principles of journalism. These oppressive measures are clearly intended to prevent the world from witnessing the reality of the situation in the occupied territories and the ongoing war on Gaza and the devastating impact on innocent civilians.”
#Gaza #Israel #WestBank #Journalism #FreePalestine

Chris Alemany 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 🌱 boosted

Passwords app for macOS: In the app’s settings, enable “Show Passwords in Menu Bar” to give yourself even easier access to your passwords.

It shows recently-created accounts by default with smart suggestions for the currently open app. Has search, + (New Password), and one-click copy for user names, passwords, and one-time codes.

(Please do spread the word about this! Write about it! And there’s no need to credit me; in fact, please don’t! 🙃)

Way to go Joe!

You have made the world safer with your masterful diplomacy and rock-solid security posture towards our adversaries.

You've never been given nearly enough credit for all you've accomplished in terms of foreign relationships, partnerships, nor ability to weaken our enemies while strengthening the position of the USA. Whereas those ignorant Abraham Accords are brought up weekly by our legacy mainstream media in order to help the GOP.

Anyways, thanks.