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jcrabapple :virginia_badge: boosted

Tom Cotton's defense of Trump preemptively blaming the Jews for his election loss is that he's been saying stuff like this for a long time, so what's the big deal? Good pushback from Jake Tapper here too.

KB Leecaster boosted


Yes, that's why I love this (somewhat outdated) diagram:

This disruption will catch many by surprise and hopefully floor some fossil fuel business models.

On the other hand, it is a major problem that many people are unable to understand the consequences of the exponentially increasing water capacity of our atmosphere as temperatures rise.

#climatecrisis #flooding #photovoltaics #solar #pv


Almost the entire team at the top seems to have just accepted that they have no chance to win the race for the White House legitimately so they're willing to try stoking violence post-election using the age-old successful method of doing that by blaming the Jews.

Perhaps they think that they can get enough people to vote for them because those people think that will stop the potential violence and still win or they're open to grab opportunity to wrest control if violence erupts.

Chris Alemany πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ 🌱 boosted

For World Car-Free Day, here is one of the best essays ever written about the folly of the personal motorcar. AndrΓ© Gorz, "The Social Ideology of the Motorcar". The car "would oblige the owner to consume and use a host of commercial services and industrial products that could only be provided by some third party. The apparent independence of the automobile owner was only concealing the actual radical dependency."